Bixlabs make apps for forward-thinking companies.
Our clients have their iOS, Android and web apps built with the latest technologies like Swift, Angular, and Node.
We put honesty and transparency into our work, communication, and relationships to generate meaningful social impact with our partners. Intimate with a mature Agile approach and familiar with the latest in project management software, we build trust and beautiful apps. Project management software we’re already very familiar with: JIRA, Confluence, Teamwork, Pivotal Tracker, Trello, and Waffle.
Our team is consistently ranked as one of the Top Developers in Latin America by Clutch.co (2015 & 2016):
“We've done maybe 10 projects with Bixlabs. I would refer them all day long."
- CEO Bjorn Wallman, Once Interactive
“Bixlabs was able to automate much of our integration and continuous deployment, saving us time and money. This is an outstanding group: the best at any price."
- VP Engineering David Carrico, Chrysallis
Hourly Rate
Special Offer
Free backlog creation, two weeks trial period and 10% off in first Sprint for VenturePact clients
For Mobile app for health and wellness
My organization was absolutely elated to have found Bix. Working closely on a daily basis, we formed one cohesive team. They were outstanding communicators (we used several online collaboration tools including Jira, Slack, Flowdock, dropbox and more. The ability to reach them at nearly any hour of the day was an immense benefit. The best service providers are the ones that can listen well and then bring a high degree of attention to the relationship. Bixlabs has done a great job with that. Every culture is different. Bixlabs has done a nice job of listening, putting a lot of energy into it, and they also take real pride in their work.
For Mobile app for project tracking
For me, after having an experience with a bad development partner, the most unique thing is that Bixlabs delivers on expectations. From my experience, it started to seem like in the outsourcing development industry, getting what you want is actually difficult. What makes Bixlabs special is that they actually listen to the client's needs and work to provide that. They'll take a lot of time to listen, to try to understand. There's a lot of communication back and forth before anything really gets built, so I like that. That's what makes them special
For Web app for household charges
Great to work with. Really recommended, very happy with the work.
For Mobile app for home inspections
Their technical skills are great. They also focus on providing great communication and adhere to deadlines.
For Web app for realtor administration
They did an excellent job when it comes to design, offered polite assistance and the willingness to understand the requirement and the needs was great.
For Web and mobile app for agile teams
Great development partner, excellent communication, and great product quality! Bixlabs is always very receptive and reactive to our requests and very proactive in asking for feedback on how they're doing. It's great working with them because you work with the people at their company and not with heavy contracts. We're in collaboration with their team members sometimes on a daily basis, but we meet on the phone with them weekly, and you get to talk to somebody and work through what you're trying to deliver, what they're trying to deliver, answer, and ask questions. It's a very personal relationship with their staff.